Community Guidelines for the Telegram Group

  1. Only English is allowed in the group.
  2. We are an international community and don’t tolerate any racism or intolerance against other cultures or lifestyles. Avoid bullying and be kind and respectful. 
  3. If you ever have any issue with a member on the site, you must report this to @luckycrush_support in a private message or in the support tool on the site and don’t share it publicly in the group.
  4. The official LuckyCrush group on telegram is for the exclusive use of girls already working on LuckyCrush, to verify this @luckycrush_support can ask for your luckycrush account at any time.
  5. Account level support is only available through the support tool on the LuckyCrush website.
  6. Dare to ask for advice. You can get help from our support or even from the most valuable part of LuckyCrush, THE COMMUNITY. 
  7. Create a constructive and positive thinking environment to learn from each other’s experiences. 
  8. Be encouraged to share your positive experience and earnings with the rest of the community. 
  9. We do not tolerate any resentful comments against girls sharing encouraging content. 
  10. Avoid unproductive complaining. Grumbling does not help anyone and only creates a snowball of discomfort and insecurity for all of you. 
  11. Do not spam the group, and be patient. Don't repeat the questions someone else already asked a few minutes ago. Make use of the chat history.

By joining the official LuckyCrush group on telegram, you automatically agree to comply with all the above guidelines.

We take these policies seriously, and if you violate them, we will take action depending on the level of violation, from a simple warning to removal from the group or, in the worst case, account suspension.

A few things you might want to know about the guidelines

First of all, If you think this could negatively affect you, feel free to leave the group and come back when you are more comfortable.

About guideline 6: “Dare to ask for advice”

From LuckyCrush´s team, we want you to know we're here for you that's why we provide you with many tools, like there you will find how to take care of your health, tips to make your chat last longer, the best colors to go on camera, how to say no, and many other useful tips. As you can see, the blog is an excellent ally for you.

You can also get help from our support or even from the most valuable part of LuckyCrush, ALL OF YOU ❤️ that's why we strongly recommend you support each other 🤝 So, feel free to ask for help.   

About guideline 7: “Create a constructive and positive thinking environment to learn from each other’s experiences”

We need your inspirational experience to build a motivational community, where everyone can learn from each other.

It's all about motivation, so avoid comments that generate bad vibes in the group. Come on girls! Just let's see the bright side. 🌈Here are a few examples of what you can share: what kind of strategies do you use when you are online? what works best for you for a specific user type? what kind of music gets you in a good mood when you're working?

About guideline 8: “Be encouraged to share your positive experience and earnings with the rest of the community”

Maybe many of you wondering how much the rest of the girls earn on LuckyCrush. 🤔 We want you to know that even on “bad days”, many girls generate a good income. 

Don't get frustrated if your average is not yet like some girls, maybe you just need to improve some things 😉

Let´s spread the word 📣 and show that you can make it. It´s up to you to take LuckyCrush to the next level!

About guideline 9: “We do not tolerate any resentful comments against girls sharing encouraging content”

Sharing encouraging content definitely will be a great help to other girls. So, it's important that girls have this kind of content to share, feel comfortable with, and be free to do so.

About guideline 10: “Avoid unproductive complaining”

Complaining about: a girl's queue size, low earnings, number of free users, or amount of times you've been next, does not help anyone and only creates a snowball of discomfort and insecurity for all of you. 😟 

Just imagine being ready to connect and suddenly seeing in the telegram group all this negativity, you could end up connecting with a bad attitude and unmotivated, and we know that will surely affect your earnings, or worse, decide not to connect and waste a great day of income. 😱

About guideline 11: “Do not spam the group and be patient”

As we all know, spam can be annoying. If the group gets spammed, a lot of valuable information for you will be lost.

So, for example, if a girl has already informed the group “Sepa 0” “Binance 0” or Usdt 0” do not write reporting the same thing.

Another common topic is “a user told me that many girls come naked” or “I went to the site and saw naked girls”. The LuckyCrush team is constantly working to prevent this type of behavior, be patient. You can be pretty sure that girls who break that rule lose their accounts.

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